Rating & Grading

Chaitanya’s performance has been rated majorly as stable based on the following parameters by reputed Rating and Grading agencies.

Rating Instrument Rating Agency Rating and Grading
Bank Facilities India Ratings and Research

CRISIL Ratings

CARE Ratings Limited

IND A/Rating Watch with Developing Implications


CARE AA- Stable

Long-term Debt Instruments India Ratings and Research

CRISIL Ratings

CARE Ratings Limited

IND A/Rating Watch with Developing Implications


CARE A (CE) Stable

Subordinated Debt India Ratings & Research IND A/Rating Watch with Developing Implications
Market Linked Debenture India Ratings and Research IND PP-MLDAemr/Rating Watch with Developing Implications
Commercial Paper Programme India Ratings and Research

CARE Ratings Limited

IND A1/Rating Watch with Developing Implication


Comprehensive Microfinance Grading (Institutional Gradings & Code of Conduct Assessment) The SME Rating Agency (SMERA) M1C1
Gold Level Client Protection Certification (according to the new Client Protection Certification Framework promoted by SPTF and CERISE M-CRIL inclusive microeconomics Gold